If you are looking for a fast way to get the attention of your prospects, generate consistent leads, and force your advertising to get new clients, this article will show you exactly that.
I remember the first time I had to write an ad. Looking back at it, I must say, things were not looking good.
I was supposed to advertise for our family cleaning business. And, because I was the only one good at computers in that house, who else would post a Facebook ad?
But I don’t blame my parents; I bragged I could do it!
Then I started working. The ad was something like:
Business name.
A big logo.
We are the best. We have experience.
Phone Number.
Yes, this is how I was getting almost no calls every single week. I knew there was a way to get results faster.
Still, I couldn’t see it.
The Secret Reason Why Most Ads Don’t Perform
I tried to look for a way to bring results faster. A complete disaster.
Went over countless marketing materials and did meticulous online research.
Some said just repeat your brand name as often as possible; others said that’s just wrong and people would get annoyed. Some told me to use a cute animal for attention; others said just get straight to the point.
Weeks were passing, and the phone was barely ringing. The longer I waited, the more shame I felt for spending my family's hard-earned money.
It shouldn't be that hard to come up with something that would make people call.
Couldn’t take it anymore, so I decided to just copy one of the competitors in town, thinking:
“He's been running this ad for the last 2 months. Surely the ad brings him money.”
My logic was right. If an ad brings money, it stays, but not in that instance. The ad I copied didn't bring us anything, and I guess it didn’t work for our competitor as well.
Fixing Your Marketing
When we spend money on something we measure the result.
Doesn’t matter if we're spending money on equipment, lunch or vendors - we make sure that we get what we pay for, right?
When I started my own business I tried to do the same with marketing. Instead of results I got wordsalad.
‘Well, this ad is for brand name recognition’
‘We’re focused on top of mind awareness in our market’
‘This campaign is set up to solidify our branding and brand positioning’
This is usually said in a slightly condescending tone designed to make you feel dumb for even asking the question.
Here’s the ugly truth:
“Most businesses throw away at least half of their marketing budget. Probably much more.”
And that just didn’t sit right with me.
How I Stopped Throwing Money Away… And How You Can Do The Same
I decided to get to the bottom of this and figure out the formula for effective marketing.
The good news? There was a formula and I figured it out.
The bad news? It took years and years of study, puzzling pieces together, testing it and using trial and error to figure out what actually worked.
If I had to write out all the elements of the formula we would be sitting here for weeks, so let me give you one of the best shortcuts I found.
Some might recognize it as ‘Pearson’s Law’.
“What is measured, improves.”
Want to immediately and dramatically increase ad results?
Make them measurable by adding a response mechanism. A call to action in every ad that asks the prospect to do something.
And then you monitor that action like a hawk.
Now you can measure. Test. Figure out what works and what doesn’t.
One of the first things I do when I start working with a client is implement this simple rule:
“Every ad we run needs to be measurable, no exceptions.”
No more jargon. No more vague marketing gobbledygook. Measurable, tangible, solid results.
There’s plenty of ways to do this and it’s doable for every single business, yours included. If you want to know how we would do this in your business, get in touch with us today by completing the form or by sending us an email.