Before I tell you how to get the attention you need, skyrocket your sales within weeks, and make others think it’s pure luck, you need to understand one simple thing. Fix this, and the numbers will go up.
If there’s an effect, there’s a cause.
Let's take an easy example: Larry the plumber buys a brand new work van. Like any of his competitors, he wants his business name on the van, so he gets it done at a local garage.
Now Larry has a brand new work van with his business name on it.
A couple of months later, Larry's phone still doesn't ring much. It’s all the same: zero increase in customer flow, and he wonders why.
Larry thinks, “I wrapped the van, and I’m very sure people can see what’s on it, so they should call! But nobody is calling! Maybe I did a bad thing wrapping my van.”
What do you think Larry is doing wrong?
I’ll tell you, he put his business name on the van—a massive business name with a small phone number in the corner.
Do you get it? Can you clearly understand why Larry isn’t getting many calls? If not, let’s shine some light.
Do You Make The Same Mistake That Larry Is Making?
Larry didn’t make a wrong move by having his van wrapped; that is a powerful marketing tool, especially for a service-based business.
The true mistake that Larry made was the big logo he chose to have on the van.
Do people see it? Absolutely!
Do people care about your business or logo?
Absolutely not! They care about themselves.
You are the only one who cares about your business or logo. Many businesses are making the exact same mistake.
They chose to be the same. There is no special offer; nothing makes them unique. And by doing that, most of them will fail to grab the attention of their prospects right from the beginning.
You have a split second to make an impression, or they're gone, and the ones that ignore this aspect will get ignored by potential customers.
The Secret Sauce Of A Winning Business
These days, you get bombarded with a lot of information, so in order to stand out from the crowd, you need an enticing offer—something that is unique or, at the very least, sounds unique.
You can’t be exactly like everyone else and expect more clients.
Remember our old friend Larry from the previous example? Imagine if he presented a unique offer to his potential clients.
For example, instead of the big logo he chose to be on his van, how about a headline like: ‘Same Day Chicago Boiler Repair’.
Now that is an enticing offer. It gets their attention right away; add a big phone number, and there you have it.
Larry’s business just exploded.
Apply This Secret To Your Business Today.
Best way to get immediate attention for any business?
Think about what your ideal client wants as an end result, and use that.
When I start working with new clients, the first thing I do is have a look at how they present themselves to their prospects.
Helping you clearly understand how to get immediate attention to your businesses is the key to a good partnership that will drastically increase sales within the shortest amount of time.
If you want to find out what would be the best way to put your business in front of your ideal clients and skyrocket your sales too, fill out the form below for a free marketing analysis, and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.